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MEET REPORT : ACT SC Championships

[slideshow_deploy id=’8148′] We had 17 Sharks including Alexis, Amy, Emma, Olivia, Patrick H, Brooke, Amanda, Jarrod, Jessica L, Maddison, Kurt, Ethan, Nicholas, Ben, Jasmine T, Eric and Yaroslav compete at the ACT SC Championships held at the AIS on Saturday and Sunday, 6th & 7th August, 2016.  There were many PBs and Medals achieved, but every one of our competitors should be proud of their efforts over the two day meet. Alexis achieved a 1.16 second PB in her 100m Freestyle;… Read More »MEET REPORT : ACT SC Championships

NEWSLETTER : July Edition

You can view July’s edition of the Newsletter by clicking on this link : July 2016 Newsletter

CLUB NIGHT : 29 July 2016

[slideshow_deploy id=’8072′] We had 16 Sharks compete at Club Night last Friday including Amy, Angela, Elizabeth, Emily, Emma O, Eric, Imogen, Jake N, Kurt, Libby, Natasha, Nicholas, Patrick C, Patrick H, Sam and Tyler, as well as our little Shark Kevin. Congratulations to Ethan who received this month’s Certificate of Achievement, which is awarded to the person with the best participation skills for the month. Congratulations to Tyler, who won the Club Night Raffle. Congratulations to Kevin who received his 25m Backstroke Upgrade Ribbon; Emily who… Read More »CLUB NIGHT : 29 July 2016

MEET REPORT : Cruiz Development Meet

We had 10 Sharks compete at the Development Meet held at the AIS on Sunday, 24 July including Tessa, Emily, Patrick C, Amy, Olivia, Maddison, Kurt, Nicholas, Imogen, and Natasha.  Fantastic swimming everyone!! Tessa achieved a 1.28 second PB in her 50m Freestyle; and competed in the 100m SC Breaststroke for the first time. Emily achieved 1st Place with a 2.71 second PB in her 50m Freestyle; 1st Place with a 2.74 second PB in her 50m Butterfly; 3rd Place in… Read More »MEET REPORT : Cruiz Development Meet