FAREWELL Coach Neill

Attention All Members

Neill Kennedy, our Bronze Coach, has decided to leave Woden after many years of service.  We would like to thank him for all he has achieved with all of our swimmers, and we wish him every success in his future endeavours.
Whilst the Executive explores all options available to the club, we would like to announce that Amanda Joyner (joint Club Captain), will be stepping in as interim coach to aid us in filling the vacancy that has developed.  No stranger to the Bronze Squad, Amanda has previously helped the club when the need has arisen, and we have every confidence in her abilities to cope with the situation.
We will be in contact again once more information comes to hand, but in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at executive.committee@wodenswimclub.org.au.
Thanks and regards
The Executive