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NSW State Open Titles Report

Woden Members We had 3 sharks compete at the NSW Open State Championships on the weekend – Brittany Ross, Phoebe Ross and Emma Harris.    Brittany competed in the Women's Open 50m Butterfly and smashed her PB again (after having only just done it at Country!). Phoebe competed in the Women's Open 100m and 200m breaststroke and placed within the top 50 in both events – an amazing achievement for such a young swimmer at an open event. Emma also competed… Read More »NSW State Open Titles Report

NSW Country Championships Report

Woden had a team of 19 Sharks compete at the recent NSW Country swimming championships after a few crucial weeks of hard work under new coach Erin Priestly. Despite being sick, Jarrod Lee was first to race in the 400FS, leading from start to finish, clocking a five second PB and winning gold. Not only did this put Woden at the top of the point score briefly, but it set the tone for the weekend. For the next two long… Read More »NSW Country Championships Report

Jarrod & Ethan qualify for the 2014/15 NSW Junior Shark Squad Program!

For those members not yet aware, two of Woden's swimmers have been selected into the 2014/2015 NSW Junior Shark Squad program. Congratulations go out to both Jarrod Lee and Ethan Lowey for acheiving this outstanding accolade. The program gives both boys a chance to travel to Sydney to further their training and development both in and out of the water. Well done guys, have fun and keep up the good work. The Executive Committee WVSC.

Youth Performance Squad (YPS)

The Australian Youth Performance Squad (YPS) is an exciting initiative designed to reward swimmers aged 13-18 for their performances in the pool. The YPS is an extension of the Junior Excellence program which recognises and rewards 9-13 year olds. Similar to Junior Excellence, YPS rewards swimmers for achieving particular time standards set by Swimming Australia. YPS qualifiers receive recognition by way of: A YPS Backpack A customised YPS towel based on level achieved A YPS cap A YPS poster A… Read More »Youth Performance Squad (YPS)