Meet Reports

May 2021 Club Night Wrap -up

Thanks to everyone who came along to our May club night last Friday on a chilly evening. It was another big success and a good turnout. We had 31 swimmers from Woden, 11 from Burley Griffin, 2 from Telopea and 6 unregistered Sharks littlies having a go, a total of 49 in the water. The evening got underway with Marcus presenting caps to those swimmers who have moved up a squad level. Congratulations to Leila, Daisy and Josh for their… Read More »May 2021 Club Night Wrap -up

March 2021 Club Night

Our belated report and photos from our March club night. What a night! We had 60 swimmers and a massive haul of 78 PB’s. It was fantastic to see our squad members brothers or sisters having a go too, with the addition of our visiting swimmers form Telopea, Burley Griffin and Vikings it great to see everyone having a good time.  Results are available below and have been uploaded to Swim Central: It was fantastic to be able to finish off… Read More »March 2021 Club Night

MEET REPORT: Target Squad Meet 4th and 5th of August

We had one shark and one coach attend the Target Squad Meet in Woy Woy from the 4th to the 5th of August. Well done to Amy G for some great swims as part of the ACT team invited to compete with nine other NSW regions. The ACT team came 4th overall, a fantastic effort with a team of only 20 swimmers. Amy competed in the 50m FR; 100m FR and BK. She also swam in the ‘skins’ event, a series… Read More »MEET REPORT: Target Squad Meet 4th and 5th of August

MEET REPORT: Ginninderra SC Qualifying Meet

We had four sharks swimming amongst the sea of competitors at the Ginninderra SC Meet on the 16th and 17th of June.  Congratulations to Amy G, Jonah, Kurt and Ben on some great swims! Amy competed in 2 events, achieving two PB’s, finishing in the Top 10 for the 100m BK and 200m FR. Jonah made strides on his two swims, both PB’s, finishing Top 10 and Top 20 in the 100m BR and 50m FR respectively. Kurt competed in 6 events, with… Read More »MEET REPORT: Ginninderra SC Qualifying Meet