This squad is for the competitive swimmer of any age who has progressed through the club squads via trial or as a inter club transfer. Seasonal planned sessions, varying between distance and sprint work, using all the energy systems are carried out and the swimmers are introduced to dry land gym sessions. The squad also focuses on the maintenance of good stroke through skills and drills. Once the Coach feels that a swimmer has met the criteria and obtained the appropriate qualifying times for Gold Squad the Head Coach will be in contact to discuss opportunities.
Our Head Coach recommends 4 to 6 session per week including weekday morning sessions.
Training Sessions
Squad | Day | Time |
Silver | Monday | 05:30 - 07:30 |
Silver | Monday | 16:30 - 18:30 |
Silver | Tuesday | 16:30 - 18:30 |
Silver | Wednesday | 05:30 - 07:30 |
Silver | Wednesday | 16:30 - 18:30 |
Silver | Thursday | 16:30 - 18:30 |
Silver | Friday | 05:30 - 07:30 |
Silver | Saturday | 07:00 - 09:30 |