Thanks everyone for coming to the club night on Friday 23 August. Huge thanks to Club Captain Ben Stokes for being the meet starter, and Coach Jasmine as always for marshalling all the competitors. Thanks also to all parents and siblings for helping out with time keeping, marshalling, check starting, set up and pack up.
Especially thanks again to families who brought pre-race baked scrolls, biscuits, lollies, chips and donuts. All the swimmers were very well carbed up for their races
We’ve added one extra 100m event to the next club night and also increased the number of events you can enter from 5 to 7.
You can download results reports of the club night here:
- Click on this link for the full results: wsc_cn_2019_08_23_mm3results1col
click on this link for the meet summary: wsc_cn_2019_08_23_mm3meetsummarybyteam
CONGRATULATIONS to swimmers making 25 metre break times for the first time:
- 25 Metre Breaststroke: Chloe Fenson, Olivia Oyston, Mackenzie Holdway
- 25 Metre Meter Butterfly: Natalia D’Elia, Elise Swoboda
- 25 Metre Backstroke: Chloe Fenson, Olivia Oyston
- 25 Metre Freestyle: Chloe Fenson, Olivia Oyston, Mackenzie Holdway
See you all at the next club night on Friday 20 September 2019