MEET REPORT: Ginninderra SC Qualifying Meet

We had four sharks swimming amongst the sea of competitors at the Ginninderra SC Meet on the 16th and 17th of June.  Congratulations to Amy G, Jonah, Kurt and Ben on some great swims!

  • Amy competed in 2 events, achieving two PB’s, finishing in the Top 10 for the 100m BK and 200m FR.
  • Jonah made strides on his two swims, both PB’s, finishing Top 10 and Top 20 in the 100m BR and 50m FR respectively.
  • Kurt competed in 6 events, with 4 PB’s, finishing 3rd in the 100m FR, 200m BK, 200m FR; and TOp 10 for the 50m FR and 100 BK and 50m FL.
  • Ben competed in 6 events, recording 5 PB’s and finishing in the Top 20 for 50m BK, 100m BR, 200m IM and 100m FL.

Well done team- we are all proud of your efforts.