Dear Parents and Swimmers
Unfortunately, there have been reported incidences of food being taken from the fridge located in the Club’s storeroom. Even though a notice was in place on the fridge door advising members not to take food from the fridge that does not belong to them, it seems some members did not understand this, thinking that the food in the fridge was provided by the Club and was free to consume. To circumvent any further incidences, a lock has now been put into place prohibiting access to the fridge.
The fridge is primarily for the use of our Silver and Gold Members as they attend training from 5:30-7:30am, then attend school/college, not returning home until after their afternoon training session the same day. Therefore, the use of the fridge to store their breakfast and snacks, etc, is often a necessity.
Placing items in the fridge is now subject to approval, which will be determined upon the member’s needs. If you would like to place items in the fridge, please contact our Vice President on