WVSC 2022 Club Championships – meet reports and results

Thank you to all those swimmers and families who took part in our 2 club championship meets held on 10 September and 15 October this year. We had two fantastic mornings of racing and great fun with the team relays.

The results from each of the two meets are below.

All results have been verified and uploaded to Swim Central.

The final pointscore is now attached. The best 6 events over both meets counted towards the point score.

Thank you again to all those parents, grandparents, siblings and club members who helped officiate and organise the 2 meets. It is impossible to run events like this without your support.

A big thank you to the coaches who are always in attendance to support the swimmers, and put a big effort into helping organise the relays.

Please enjoy some photos from our second day of racing and post-race BBQ.

The relays were a huge hit for both meets! It was great to see the team work and a bit of friendly competition amongst fellow swimmers. The handicap starts made for some close finishes and we hope you all had fun…..

We were excited that the weather held out last weekend to allow us to have our post race BBQ! Thanks to all who helped organise and cook. We hope to have more of these during next years club meets.

These were our final club racing events for 2022. However, the next club event is the celebration of our 50th anniversary along with the end of year Christmas function, and presentations, to be held Saturday 17 December. More details to follow. There is, of course, plenty more racing over the next few months. Keep an eye on the website calendar, the Swimming ACT website and Team App for upcoming events.

We are currently planning the 2023 club events taking into account other racing. The first 2 club meets are likely to be March and May and details will be on the website soon.