July club meet wrap-up

Thank you to everyone who made our July club afternoon last Sunday a huge success. We had a total of 43 swimmers in the water including a few guest swimmers from Tuggeranong and Canberra and plenty of younger siblings giving racing a go!

We started off the afternoon with a group warmup and some presentations by Marcus, welcoming our newest squad members and congratulating those swimmers moving up squads. There was also a special goodbye to Chloe and Melissa (our wonderful club night coordinator) who are off the The Netherlands for a few years.

Once racing got underway there was some amazing efforts put in across the board. So many PBs and many swimmers giving new events a go. A big congratulations to David Bale for breaking his own (recently set) NSW State record for the S9 200 Fly – amazing effort David. Results for the events are available here:

Results have now been uploaded to Swim Central. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped make the meet happen. From our timekeepers to the excellent marshalling, referees, starters, and recorders. It’s great seeing so many people helping make the meets a success and learning new roles.

After the official racing wrapped up, we had plenty of time for some relays. It was great seeing swimmers from the young to the slightly less young get involved and race on the same teams! Everyone had so much fun there was a second round! Next time we might have to throw a medley in.

We hope all the swimmers and families had a great afternoon. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next scheduled club night – Friday 27 August.