Our first club night of 2021, held Friday the 26th of February was a success with 46 swimmers taking part, including our guest Chloe from Telopea and some younger siblings joining in the fun and getting a feel for racing. Club nights just keep getting stronger each time!
Firstly a big thanks to Mel our club night coordinator, Marcus and the Wuth clan (Lorraine, Anto and Nic) for making it happen, creating the meet, getting it up on Swim Central, running the PC and getting times up on the scoreboard. It’s lovely for all the swimmers and parents to see their names and times up on the big screen! Also thanks to all our officials and time keepers plus our club captains Amy and Nick for holding the warm-ups, we couldn’t do it without you all.
It was great to see so many of our new members having a go and setting their first official times. Then for those that have done it before there were heaps of PB’s. Unfortunately we didn’t get time to do the fun relay, but we still squeezed in a raffle and handing out the 2020 Swimming Australia JX awards congratulations to all. Results for the club night are below. Times were official and have been uploaded to Swim Central.
Our next club night is on Friday 26 March, so pencil it in. Entries and information will be sent out in a couple of weeks. Future club night dates have been posted under ‘Club Nights’ on the main menu and will be confirmed leading up to the event. Club Nights are a great chance to get race practice and qualifying times between other meets, and of course socialise with other swimmers and families. We look forward to seeing you all in March!