[warning]ATTENTION: PARENTS & SWIMMERS[/warning]
We are currently updating our records due to a request from NSW swimming. It is a legal requirement that all swimmers of any swimming club in the ACT also be registered with NSW swimming as we fall under their jurisdiction.
We have been informed that a number of our swimmers have let their registration lapse or haven’t registered at all since joining Woden. It is a common misconception that only swimmers who compete need to be registered. Anyone that participates in any training, club nights or competition is required to join.
Under the terms and conditions of the Woden Valley Swim Club Inc, it is also mandatory for a parent/carer to be registered with NSW Swimming (as a non-swimmer) if the registered swimmer is under the age of eighteen (18). Only one (1) non-swimmer member is required per family. As a non-swimmer member, you will have access to a comprehensive insurance policy, which is necessary if you help out at meets or on pool deck. You will also be able to contribute to the affairs of the club via the committee, and the costs of some Woden Valley Swim Club events may be reduced.
Our Registrar, Lisa Thornton will be in contact with any members who need to review their status with NSW swimming with regards to the above matter. Please do not disregard this request as it will directly impact on all families concerned.
If you are new to the club and are registering for the first time with NSW Swimming, please follow this link JOIN NOW or email Lisa, Registrar for more information.
If you have an existing NSW Registration membership and are re-registering, you will need to contact Lisa, Registrar as Swimming Australia is currently working on creating a pre-existing member login.
As always, we are more than happy to field any questions you may have. Please forward any correspondence to Lisa, Registrar or The Executive at WVSC.
The Executive