Swimmers & Parents
As many of our members may be aware, both past and present, one of our clubs legends Steve Young has been battling ill health for the past two years. It is with a heavy heart that we regret to inform our members that Steve passed away on the morning of Sunday 8th of June.
For those of you not familiar with Steve he was one of the main reasons that the Woden Swim Club was looked upon as one of the most successful swimming clubs throughout Canberra and its entire region. His dedication to our swimmers was reflected not only through the outstanding results they achieved under his direction, but also through the culture that has been built, and still exists, within the club today.
Steve will be remembered as one of the greatest members and coaches the club has had the honour of meeting. His memory will be held with the highest respect as a great clubman, fierce competitor but mostly as a fantastic friend. Our thoughts are with Steve’s family at this time. He will be sorely missed.
The Executive