Woden Sharks Facebook Page

Hi Everyone

Did you know that our Club has a facebook page : Woden Sharks Facebook page.
The page will bring the following to Woden:
  • A forum to inform our swimmers and members
  • Additional sponsorship
  • Recruitment of new swimmers
  • A widespread and effective medium to inform our swimmers of current events
  • Encouragement to all club swimmers by portraying their ribbons/medals won at meets
  • Promote club night 
  • Promote our main meet and development meets
  • Reach the wider swimming community through Facebook association with Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW (who both have Facebook pages)
Tight controls have been set up for our page and all posts will be vetted before they go live.  Profanity settings have been set to strong – so anything that resembles a swear word will be blocked.
If you have a Facebook account you can like the page and also post on the page.
If there are derogatory or defamatory posts put onto this page the post will be removed and the person responsible will be blocked from the page.
The other issue is pictures. Some parents may not want pictures of their children (or themselves) on the page and this is understandable. If you do not approve of your picture or your children’s picture on this Facebook page please send an email to web@wodenswimclub.org.au providing the names of those people who you do not wish to appear on the Facebook page.
You can view the page here: